Richard has surfaced his Tasmanian Blackwood back, cut it to shape and is planing it to thickness.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
A strengthening strip is glued along the join on the inside of the back.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
Curved braces are then glued to the back which give the back it's shape.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The bridge is located using a ruler clamped lightly to the front. When the glue grabs, the ruler can be removed so the squeeze out can be cleaned off.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
Shaping the heel with a rasp.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The sides are bent around a hot iron.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The linings are glued in place using clothes pegs.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
Next to be fitted is the back.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The fingerboard is glued on and a camber planed on to it.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
Richard with his finished guitar.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The finished back and sides.
Photo added on 23/10/2014
The completed guitar is then sanded ready for finishing.
Photo added on 23/10/2014